At ComXo we employ all 5 of the generations referred to in the article published on Facilitate Magazine – THINK TANK: TO THRIVE WITH FIVE – HOW ARE YOU PREPARING FOR FIVE GENERATIONS IN THE WORKPLACE?
Whilst a lot has been written about their different needs, desires and expectations, I believe they are all motivated by 3 core principles which are fundamental to any workforce:
1) Security:
Give people the chance to be creative without the fear of reprisal. Allow them to cultivate their skills by trying new things and giving their opinions without worrying about having to be right the whole time. If you are not free to fail you are probably not experimenting enough. The one thing that demotivates most is micromanagement, it tells your people you do not trust in their opinions.
2) Positivity:
We encourage our employees to bring their enthusiasm and positivity to work, to be free to challenge themselves positively by thinking not just outside the box, but beyond it. An environment of positivity is nurturing and supportive and applies to every generation of worker.
3) Support:
It is important to every generation to feel part of a team and to be able to access support when they need it. Invest in the right training to develop existing talent and you will help individuals’ professional growth. No matter what generation a member of the team is from, learning, developing and sharpening your skills is at the heart of feeling valued and purposeful in your business.
At ComXo when we hire a candidate, we choose them for their personality and professionalism and try to ensure they are given the tools to learn, develop and work towards a career they can be proud of.
I believe it is not so much a matter of “how you accommodate the needs of a multi-generational workforce” but making it the responsibility of the employer to create the environment that offers opportunities and allows anyone in the company to have the freedom to be innovative and to challenge the status quo.
I believe our job as leaders is to try to eliminate the generational gaps within the working environment by creating a collective sense of achievement, a sense of belonging and a sense of purposefulness within your organisation.