“If you could wave a magic wand and find each of my fee earners 6 or more billable minutes every single day whilst simultaneously reducing my costs I would be mad not to jump at it” that was the challenge given to me by one of my 40 top 100 law firms.
In this Lex100 article “How Technology is changing the face of the Legal Industry” one of the key points made is…. ‘changes’ focus on making lawyers’ jobs simpler by reducing time spent on administrative tasks, prompting lawyers to ‘question the way things are done’. As Robyn explains: “this ultimately encourages a cultural change whereby we create a section of the workforce who are willing to challenge engrained processes and try new ways of doing things”.
A lawyers efficiency is driven by the number of hours they can build relationships, nurture clients or time they can bill (or if a fixed fee the speed of project they can process). Enabling the fee earners and their teams to be able to get things done quickly and without operational friction sits at the heart of this.
At ComXo we have designed and built a suite of specialist technologies and on-demand services that enable fee earners and their teams to be up to 30% more efficient. Our Advanced Workplace Services are challenging the way lawyers have traditionally been supported and freeing them up to focus on doing specialist work rather than administrative tasks. To find out more visit our website ComXo.com.